Ugh, I am going through withdrawals!
Exercise, definitely! With the exception of a hike and a walk last weekend I haven’t done any and I’m missing it – big time. Monday I’m back to it thankfully. I have an annoying pain in my neck right now which makes it a bit difficult to do anything properly 🙁
I’m thinking of getting up and doing Insanity in the mornings before work. I have a huge problem with this because, well, it’s the morning. I hate mornings, they are the devil. It’s a struggle for me to get up and go to work 99% of the time. It’s not that I mind getting up early… it’s the having to get ready and be somewhere by the ungodly hour of 9am. If I could get ready at a more leisurely pace (WITHOUT having to get up earlier) and get to work for say, 10am, things would be peachy. I would be much happier and so would the people around me. I am one grumpy bitch in the AM!
For me to workout in the morning I would need to be awake and doing it at 6am. The thing is, I know I would feel better if I did. I find exercise much easier in the morning and it wakes me and gives me an amazing amount of energy for the day. Plus it’s good for you.
As far as Insanity goes, I’m going to finish it this time around and then give myself a month to do something different. Change is good with these things! Then I’d like to do it again, with no 2 week break in the middle this time!
I also haven’t played any games for a whole week! The world must be ending. I don’t count playing Mirror’s Edge on my iPhone during my flight to/from Belfast, either. Tomorrow I might need to set aside some gaming time after I do some chores around the house… 🙂
Hubby is ill so we are in separate rooms and as much as love having the bed to myself, I don’t like sleeping on my own anymore – weird(er than normal) dreams and lots of tossing and turning going on lately.
Good news on the monthly goals for this month – I’m working my way through my CDs faster than anticipated! I’ve gotten through the full folder and am now working my way through the las 50 or so CDs in the second, before I do all the loose ones I have lying about. Then it’s on to organising them again!
And I’ve re-written my CV and started applying, so fingers crossed… I’m sure that will be a loooong process.
2 responses to “Withdrawals…”
I like exercising before work. It gets the blood pumping and wakes you up. It’s the part where I have to get out of bed and get to the workout area that I struggle with. lol.
Get to playing more games! They miss you! haha
::crosses fingers for job::
Yeah – I hate leaving the nice, warm bed in the morning!