So yesterday was one of the best birthdays I’ve had a number of years. 🙂
I got lots of cards, some amazing presents from my friends and family and overall had a really good day.
The best bit of my day? Getting surprised when Hubby came home early!
The second best bit of my day? Opening his present, which just happened to be a brand new 11″ MacBook Air!!!
I actually wasn’t sure it was real until I opened the sealed box and there it was. I asked for a laptop for either my birthday or Christmas since my old one is just that… OLD. I think I’ve had that about 8 or 9 years? My dad gave it to me when he bought a new one and it’s just stuck around ever since but I’ve stopped using it because, even with the lightest version of Ubuntu I could find, it still runs like hell and is definitely acting its age.
I just wanted a little thing I could use to browse the web, write, do bits on while watching telly etc. Hubby knows I’ve lusted after a MacBook for years, who doesn’t right? They are so sexy.
Never dreamed I’d get one. <3
He even cooked dinner for us (a rarity in this house) so I had an amazing day! We had pizookies for dessert, rather than cake. I can definitely say they cured my sweet tooth for about a year. I was really looking forward to it, but honestly? Way too sweet, even for me!
So 32 so far is pretty amazeballs. Tonight I’m out with friends to celebrate and will probably be coming home much, much worse than I’ll be leaving. Then it’s off to London tomorrow for mexican food and The Wizard of Oz musical.
Bring it on! <3