So, this past weekend was the London Film and Comic Con. It was my first convention and I was a bit nervous and unsure of what to expect before we went. There was no reason for such nervousness! It was, without a doubt, the best two days ever.
Saturday we arrived at just past 8am and the queue to get in with pre-paid tickets was half way around the building already! When the doors opened at 9 we were in very quickly and first things first, tickets for the Stargate talk, then tickets for Michael Shanks’ autograph. We then had a wander around, looking at the dealer stalls and playing some games.
The most surprising thing for me was that most of the people there were, well, normal. I was expecting more people dressed up and uber geeky types. There were also quite a few older folks, which surprised me but I suppose it really shouldn’t have.

After getting the lay of the land we met Michael Shanks, got his autograph and I was thrilled to bits for the rest of the day. He was, of course, the whole reason for my going and he was exactly what I was hoping for – very nice, better looking in person and very warm! We got our photos done with him on Saturday as well and I was able to at least ask for a hug. Even now, three whole days after, I get overwhelmed at just the thought of having met him! I am definitely the happiest person alive.

We also attended the Scott Bakula talk, which was very good. He ended up singing twice during the talk! The Stargate talk was good, as I’m sure they usually are and Jewel gave Michael a fluffle.

Sunday we didn’t rush in the morning, knowing what to expect, so we were further back in the queue than on Saturday, but still got in very quickly. Peter Facinelli had forgotten his passport for his original flight so didn’t turn up on Saturday but thankfully had an extra photo shoot Sunday morning. I was in the first 20 to get photos done with Peter and he was super nice! Later that afternoon (after 4pm) I got his autograph and someone mentioned he had gotten through over 900 people so far. He didn’t look up when doing the autographs, he was that busy!
We had photos with Scott Bakula and Jewel Staite on Sunday. We also got their autographs. Scott was really nice and shook my hand twice! Jewel was absolutely lovely and showed hubby her callous from all the signing she was doing! I told her I loved her scarf during my photo and she confided that it was actually covering a stain on her top!

We attended the Heroes talk, but it wasn’t that great. The actors either weren’t used to doing talks often or just weren’t in the mood so it felt quite forced. Dominic Keating was the best part of the talk!

Everyone we met was really nice and I thoroughly enjoyed every moment of it. Michael Shanks was the only person I was nervous with, so much so I hardly spoke to him! Next time I’ll be better with him! It was an unforgettable weekend and I hope to go to more events like it in the future, but only if there are people that I would absolutely love to meet attending. Otherwise I’m not sure it’s worth the money.