Month: March 2009

  • Like the morning sun your eyes will follow me.

    I’m feeling much better now that I’m sleeping again! Just 2 nights of sleep has helped so much. I’m finally back at work now and I have tomorrow off, yay! I’m getting my car serviced and MOT’d tomorrow and my hair done and in between all of that fun – cleaning! Woo. But hubby is…

  • Utter Shite!

    Hubby had a sore throat last Wednesday. That was my last day at work until today! He passed it on to me but instead of having a sore throat and sinus infection like him, I ended up with a very nasty case of Bronchitis and have been clutching my inhaler like mad for the past…

  • Tired Randomness

    I’m very tired today! So tired, in fact, that I’m contemplating skipping my workout tonight and doing it tomorrow instead. I’ll have to see how I am when I get home, but even just the thought of having a night off sounds wonderful. (It sounds like I’ve made my mind up already, doesn’t it?) I’m…