Oh Dear.

My arm is still hurting. It’s been a week today since I fell. I fairly certain I have pulled my bicep and possibly my tricep as well! I’ve been putting ibuprofen gel and deep heat on it (not at the same time) the past few days and there is considerable improvement. I also have to be careful when driving, just pulling on the steering wheel the slightest bit twinges and it hurts for hours after.

I have a weigh in with my doctor tomorrow morning. I haven’t seen her for 6 weeks. That is the longest I have gone since I started seeing her! This is also my first weigh in of this year. Although my initial goal for this weigh in was to be 97.5, given that I haven’t worked out very much the past week due to my fall, I will be pleased for 98.5 or below. I think I have at least done that, I’ll know for certain tomorrow!

Friday I have off from work, thank god! I am looking forward to that more than anything else right now!! Even if I will spend the day working out and then getting ready and driving to Basingstoke for the GAME party, I will NOT be working. WOO! Then I’m also looking forward to the party. The GAME End of Year party is a very good night and always so much fun. Oh, and I get to wear a pretty dress. Always a plus.