This week has brought good news to both me and my husband. I think the four day weekend we took last week did us a world of good. For hubby I think it gave him some perspective about his work/life balance and how it’s NOT balanced! So this week he’s fought “The Man” and won the battle for his team (and eventually himself) to work less! I’m so very proud of him. 🙂
My good news came Tuesday and today. Tuesday I learned that the now CEO of the company I’m currently temping for is giving me the project of rebranding and then caring of the extranet website. This decision has led to them deciding to hire me earlier than orginially planned, which I found out today. So as of March 1st, I will be an employee of the company and no longer a temp! The benefits are pretty damn good and I get a bit of a raise from my crappy temp wages. All in all, a good week.
Today I stopped trying to question why I moved. I finally feel like I really am supposed to be here and that all the time I spent before this wasn’t wasted afterall. I always thought since I never found a web design job after college that I’d have to deal with only doing it for fun and family in my spare time. My old job dealing with training and my knowledge of IT led me to my current job when I only applied to be an admin! Now I’m getting the opportunity to put my passion to work. It just reaffirms my belief that everything does happen for a reason and hopefully things will finally start to fall in place for me and hubby.
In other news, we have decided to go to the Seychelles in August for our anniversary/honeymoon. Sun, sea, sand and lots of rest. I’m really looking forward to it! I still miss the ocean so much (I’m currently trying to fill the house with pictures of it!).