10 Glorious Days

Today’s been a bit of a roller coaster. This morning I was wide awake, energetic, the works – even after a night of barely sleeping and lots of pain and soreness from my workout last night. So I made an effort, I did my hair properly – it’s amazing how long it is, I don’t notice until I straighten it! – and even wore heels on a Friday.

I wore new jeans that I haven’t worn before and you know how jeans stretch a bit when you wear them? They were fine when I put them on and by the time I got to work they were loose enough that I spent the rest of the day pulling them back up! It’s a nice feeling, even if it’s annoying. ๐Ÿ™‚

I was really busy at work getting launches ready for Monday when I’m not in, but got everything sorted. I’ve been great all day really… and then I got home.

The migraine hit first, then my mood deteriorated and I was in tears before I even knew what happened. I think part of it is tiredness, I’m so exhausted I could cry just because of that! But as usual with me, I know there are other underlying factors at play subconsciously. ๐Ÿ™

But I don’t want to end the post on a sad note.

So today was the last day of work for me until the 28th. There are a few things that will be happening over the next 10 days, like:

1. I’m going to complete Insanity assuming of course that I don’t go insane first. The second month is so tough and definitely pushing my boundaries, not just physically but mentally as well.

I’m honestly not sure how I feel about Insanity right now, but know that if I can get through the next week then I will have completed it. I’m proud of doing it and what I’m capable of (which is a lot more than I thought), but I don’t feel like me right now.

Maybe it’s because it’s knackering me out like crazy, and I’m so tired I can’t sleep (someone explain to me why that’s happening PLEASE!).

It will definitely be nice to have my time back and do something else for a bit.

2. I’m going to Chevron 7.8! Two days of Stargate fun and Amanda Tapping, parties, Robin Dunne and me being a total fan girl. <3

It will also be the first time we’ve gone to the parties and participated in the themes. My first toe-dipping into cosplay I guess? Although I wouldn’t really call this cosplay, a victorian/steampunk style outfit and a formal ballgown… but everyone starts somewhere right? Honestly, I’m just happy to have an excuse to wear the gown again, I’ve only worn it once and it was expensive!! ๐Ÿ™‚

3. Working on the new design for the site. I’ve made a start on this, but haven’t had time to go any further.

4. Rest!!! 10 days of not having to get up early for work? That sounds like the most amazing thing ever right now, I have to admit.

5. A day at the coast. I need a fix of ocean, badly. I think that will improve my well-being a great deal.

If you had the next 10 days off what would you do with your time?