It’s been a bit of a summer and I’ve been a bad blogger! In my defence it’s been a bit busy and somewhat hectic. Since the Walking Out of Darkness event in April I’ve been to Be:Fit London (which was amazing), had an uber meltdown at work, went on an emergency holiday for a week in Majora (which was also amazing), had my dad visit (which was really nice), and spent many, many weekends with friends and family (also very nice). A year since Karla & Kat’s loss has passed as well, and it knocked me back a little bit in the last few weeks.
This weekend was the first weekend in months we didn’t have to be anywhere or have any visitors. It was a welcome and much needed rest from other people, being so busy has been quite draining on my poor shy and introverted soul (how blessed am I to be both…). We took the opportunity to clean most of the house (it’s too big to do in one day now!) and we spent time outside in the garden on our new garden furniture, which arrived last week. It’s lush and so comfy, the only issue is the wasps! But poor hubby won’t have to fear much longer, I’ve ordered something to deter them from trying to visit us.
What else? I’m on Cycle 3 of The Body Coach’s 90 Day SSS Plan now. I’m loving the workouts, even if my legs are still sore from Thursday’s leg day, and staying on food plan 90% of the time. I’ve had a bit of wine this weekend! New garden furniture calls for wine. It’s a law somewhere I’m sure! 🙂 But I’ll be doing a proper write up on that when I’m done.
So what’s in store for August? More time with friends and a weekend away with the hubby in London. We’ll live it up for 2 nights to celebrate a whole decade of being married (and 15 years since we met on IRC!). But again, more on that later.